一,外部清洗用柔软干净的抹布清洁数字面板和显示面板、在清洁布上洒上水,而不要把水直接洒到卷闸门表面,这样可以保证表面的湿度均匀。 卷帘门、把手和储藏柜表面应当用温和的清洁剂清洗,然后用柔软的抹布擦干。
1、 For external cleaning, use a soft and clean rag to clean the digital panel and display panel, and sprinkle water on the rag instead of directly sprinkling water on the surface of the roller shutter, so as to ensure uniform humidity on the surface. The surfaces of rolling shutter doors, handles and storage cabinets should be cleaned with a mild detergent and then wiped dry with a soft cloth.
2、 Jinan roller shutter door manufacturers remind that roller shutter doors need to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner once or twice a year.
3、 Clean the rubber sealing strip of the roller shutter door. If the rubber sealing strip on the roller shutter door becomes dirty, the roller shutter door may not close, which will affect the operation efficiency of the roller shutter door. Clean the dust particles on the sealing strip with a mild detergent and a damp cloth, and then dry them with a clean and soft cloth.
4、 For internal cleaning, clean the inner wall of the roller shutter door and all accessories with a mild detergent, and then dry them with a soft cloth. For better cleaning, you can take out the drawers and shelves, dry them, and then put them back.
5、 It is recommended to buy several ice and water supplies at the glass wholesale market, clean the ice and water supplies with a damp cloth, and then dry them with a clean soft cloth. Keep the drainage grid dry. Do not touch the ice and water supply.
In addition, the installation work of many people did not really take into account the specific content, so it had a great impact on themselves. If you want to know more, please visit our website www.jnyuqilin.com!